Graduated in Journalism (1983- 1986)
Former journalist at CRTV
WAIN Paul Nigam is a product from the Advanced School of Mass Communication (ASMAC) where he studied Journalism for 3yrs, that's from 1983- 1986.
After having obtained his degree as a Journalist in ASMAC, he did Division 3 Followed up with internship at the United Nations.
From there, he Worked in CRTV for 32 years.
Graduated in Journalism(1994- 1996)
Head of the Information and Communication Division (DIC) at the Presidency of the Republic
"Use every stumbling block as stepping stone, be hardworking, resilient, focused, professional and emotionally stable."
Prof. George Ewane after having obtained a diploma in journalism in ASMAC in the year 1994- 1996. In 1997, he became a senior reporter at the Ministry of Communication. On February 1998, he became a senior reporter,Central editorial staff TV-Cameroon radio and Television (CRTV). In 1999, 7:30 Main News Anchor on CRTV. From there, he became the Deputy Head of Political Desk and later the Head of Political Resk.
In the year 2000, he became the Special Reports Brigade in charge of Presidential reporting. In 2002, he is the Head of the Reports Unit of the President of the Republic where he created the program INSIDE THE PRESIDENCY. In 2005, he became the Head of the Reports Unit of the President of the Republic at the Special Reports Division. In 2008, he is the Head of the Reporting Unit of the President of the Republic at the Sovereignty Activities Division, Acting Head of the Sovereign Activities Division for 2 years 7 months, Grand Reporter, then Editorialist, Director of the Sovereignty Activities Division in charge of reporting on the Head of State, the First Lady, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, etc., Technical Advisor No.4 to the Managing Director in charge of Diversification and International Action.Fast forward in September 2019 he was appointed Spokesperson for the Major National Dialogue by the President of the Republic; in June 2020 the Central Director of the Radio Pole at CRTV (in charge of 10 radio stations, the National station and 7 local channels); in June 2021, he was appointed Technical Advisor to the President of the Republic, Head of the Information and Communication Division (DIC) at the Presidency of the Republic by decree of the Head of State.
Prof. George EWANE NGIDE (PhD) is also Professor of British and American Literature, Multiculturalism, Postmodernism and Postcolonialism in the Departments of English and Bilingual Letters, University of Yaoundé I and other Universities around the globe. He equally is an enrolee, as an Edward S. Mason Fellow with an MCMPA (Mid-Career Masters in Public Administration) at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, (HKS) USA.
Graduated in Journalism (2007- 2010)
Media Consultant and Freelance Correspondent for various International Media
"ASMAC is a jewel which we must jealously preserve. You will never know how experienced the trainers and graduates are until you find yourself in an international working environment. Try as much as possible to make good use of the multicultural setting"
Boh Elvis is a product from ASMAC, 38th batch journalism. After obtaining his degree in Journalism in ASMAC, he became a Journalist on probation Action Newspaper and Central Committee of the CPDM, Journalist, News Coordinator and later Editor In Chief of STV Douala, then later Journalist, Senior Journalist and General Producer of Africanews, Euronews Group. Presently back to Cameroon now, Host of 90 Minutes in Africa on My Media Prime TV and Media Consultant and Freelance Correspondent for various International Media.
Diplômé en Information Documentaire 2014-2017
Cadre au Centre de Documentation et des Archives du Port Autonome de Kribi.
“lorsque j’ai l’occasion de rencontrer un jeune, je n’hésite jamais à lui donner un seul conseil : fréquenter et puis le reste viendra après »
Monsieur NTEP Laurent, a intégré les bâtiments de l’Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques de l’Information et de la Communication en 2014, dans la filière en information documentaire, spécialité archivistique. Sa licence professionnelle qui lui permettra de continuer ses études à l’Université SENGHOR d’Alexandrie-Egypte et à Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l’Information et des bibliothèques de LYON-France à l’issue desquelles il obtient son Diplôme en sciences de l’information des bibliothèques (DUSIB) .
En janvier 2018, il débute sa carrière professionnelle comme Consultant archiviste au cabinet Greenlight, membre de l’équipe de mise en place du cabinet et de la création de contenu de formation. De septembre 2018 à juin 2019, il occupe le poste de chef d’équipe du traitement des archives de l’ancien bâtiment du recouvrement du Crédit Foncier du Cameroun. Le jeune diplômé travaillera aussi pour la Société Immobilière du Cameroun en tant que personnel temporaire chargé de l’audit, du 01 juillet au 01 septembre 2019. Depuis le 02 septembre 2019 il est cadre au Centre de Documentation et des Archives au Port Autonome de Kribi (PAK).
Graduated in Advertising (1996-1999)
"Make use on the opportunities that lessons at ESSTIC offers"
Dr.After Francis Ngong after obtaining his degree in Advertising in the year 1996- 1999 In ASMAC, he later came back in the year 2012 to do Journalism then later on his masters and doctorate degree ( PHD). After his degree in Advertising he became the Advertising Manager at SIAC BRASSERIES ISENBERG, later on he became a Journalist at crtv National Post. From there ,he became a PCA SONACAM.
Diplômée en Publicité 2004-2007.
Responsable des études et de la pédagogie D'ESSACA.
<<Je n’ai pas eu l’opportunité de travailler à la communication pure dès ma sortie de l’école, ceci ne m’a pas limité parce que j’ai compris que la communication intervient dans tous les domaines de la société. Le communicateur doit être agile et doit pouvoir s’adapter et apportera sa touche dans tous les secteurs.>>
NGONGUINYA EYIDI Régine Fleur fait partie de la 11eme promotion Relation Publiques et Publicité de l'ESSTIC baptisée « les Balafons». Elle obtient en 2007 sa Licence Professionnelle en Publicité.
Cinq mois après sa soutenance, elle est recrutée dans le projet de construction d'extension de l’immeuble siège de la SNH, en tant qu’Assistante du Chef de mission d’Ordonnancement de Pilotage et de Coordination du projet (OPC). En parallèle, elle travaille sur le projet de création de l’Ecole Supérieure Spéciale d’Architecture du Cameroun (ESSACA), première école privée de formation d’architecture en Afrique subsaharienne, où elle occupera tour à tour les fonctions d’Assistante administrative puis, responsable de la communication. Elle est aujourd’hui Responsable des Etudes et de la Pédagogie.
Graduated in Journalism ( 2014- 2017)
Head of the Tech & Web section at Mutations
"Learn to assimilate journalism courses very well. At the time, when Professor Ndembiyembe made us start work over and over again, I didn't understand why. Today, since I sometimes supervise interns who come for training, I understand the need to ask someone to start an article again. It's because we want a better rendering"
Agnang Lorine is a product of the Paul Célestin NDEMBIYEMBE batch, 2014-2017. After obtaining her diploma, she worked for a very brief period at the Higher Studies in Territorial Governance and Decentralization (HEGTD) of Henri Séverin ASSEMBE in early 2018.
After a truce, she joined the daily Mutations on January 10, 2019. Like any journalist, she started as an intern. Gradually, responsibilities began to be given to her, she. coordinated the "Education" section for a month (November 2020). Finding original subjects every day, dealing with them, sometimes writing a file in one day, etc.,
Fast forward in January 2021, She was appointed as interim Head of the Tech & Web section. she will be confirmed in her position on June 14 of the same year, a position she have held till date.
Diplômé en Publicité 2016-2019
Directeur Général de Universal Advertising
《Lorsqu'on pratique un métier de la communication il ne faut pas mettre l'argent en premier malgré sa nécessité, mais plutôt travailler avec passion et surtout il faut beaucoup lire pour élargir sa culture. 》
Après avoir obtenu sa licence en Lettres Modernes Françaises à l'université de Yaoundé I, Monsieur Marcellin OWONA ABENG est admis en filière Publicité à l’ESSTIC, de la 23e promotion baptisée " Promotion Alice NGAH MINKALA". Il obtient sa Licence Professionnelle en Publicité en 2019.
Sur le plan professionnel, il va travailler en tant que responsable de la Régie du Journal Economie de E-Live d'octobre 2019 à avril 2020. En mai 2020, il va occuper le poste de Directeur de communication à All Business et va parallèlement être nommé chef de publicité junior à ELFI Events jusqu'en septembre 2020.
De novembre 2020 à juin 2022, il est nommé Directeur Exécutif de la Régie All Business. En juin 2022 il fonde Universal Advertising, un cabinet de en publicité plus précisément en droit et fiscalité publicitaire.